What data is required to be submitted for a Production Ledger Review?
The file should be an excel spreadsheet and include five (5) columns with the following data elements for each transaction, at a minimum:
- Policy Number
- Insured Name
- Effective Date (for the transaction)
- Insurer Name
- Premium (not to include SL Agent Policy Fees)
What format should the report be sent in?
The file is to be delivered in an Excel format only.
What policies should be included in the report?
The Production Ledger should include a complete list of only Non-Admitted (surplus lines) Florida business, written by the agent for which your office was responsible for filing during the requested time frame.
How do I send a file to ensure security of the information?
If your file is deemed confidential or is too large to be sent through an email, then the file can be sent using our Biscom Transit service which allows confidential or large files to be sent to us securely. Please contact FSLSO for further information.
Can I send a printout of the agent’s SLIP filings?
No, we need a listing from your management system of all the FL Non-Admitted business for the agent during the requested time frame.
Is the Production Ledger Review the same as the Compliance Review?
No, Compliance Reviews and Production Ledger Reviews are separate reviews. The FSLSO will try to handle both reviews during the same timeframe, so the agent’s office does not have to provide information at different times during the year. The Compliance Review entails a random sampling of policies, checking for compliance issues. The Production Ledger Review requests a listing from your management system of all the FL Non-Admitted business for the surplus lines agent during the requested time frame, ensuring that all business written has been filed with FSLSO.
What happens if unfiled transactions are identified during the Production Ledger Review?
You will need to file any missed policy transactions in SLIP as soon as possible. By further delaying the submission of unfiled transactions could result in potential penalties being assessed.
What types of policy transactions should be included in the report?
All transaction types: New Business, Renewal, Additional Premium, Return Premiums, Cancellations, and Reinstatements.