Schema Validation
Validating XML Files Against a Schema
There are many applications available to validate XML files against a schema. If you don't already have one available, a freeware version called XML Notepad is available from Microsoft. An alternate web-based method is available at
Note: Please do not use these applications to edit your XML files, as it inserts a Byte Order Mark (BOM) which is incompatible with .NET web services.
Using XML Notepad to validate your files:
- Save the schema locally.
- Save the appropriate schema(s) (.xsd files) to your PC.
- Download and install XML Notepad.
Validate an XML File Against a Schema:
- Start XML Notepad
- Click File > Open. Navigate to the file you would like to check for validity, then click Open.
Associating a Schema with the XML File:
- Click View > Schemas.
- If the schema you want to validate against is not in the list, click the '...' button (any grid row) and navigate to the downloaded schema (.xsd file).
- Ensure that the schema you are validating against is the only one unchecked in the Disabled column. Click Ok.
- Any validation error will now show in the Error List item at the bottom of the screen.